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HLFX.Ru Forum HLFX.Ru Forum > Разработка игр > Наши проекты > Архив проектов > Half-Life FX > Half-Life FX 0.7 beta
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Мастер Ёда из Деревни Дуракоф

Дата регистрации: Apr 2007
Проживает: В Деревне дураков
Сообщений: 6749
Возраст: 33


sixcentgeorge писал:
how many mods are finished and use your "engines"

Two good mods HLFX: Single Demo and LBM: FX by XaeroX. Half-Life: Area 51 that uses HLFX 0.6 (like Single Demo and LBM) is in development about 5 years. I haven't heard about other mods using HLFX. If there is no demand for HLFX as graphics enhancing mod, HLFX should be a gameplay enhancing mod.

I recommend you to use XashXT mod under Xash3D engine if you really going to develop a singleplayer mod that will use an enhanced graphics. But if you want to create a dump of another's models, sprites, sounds that depends on copy-pasted code from various mods and uses original HL or other mod maps, like your previous project, I recommend you give it up and try something different, such as growing flowers...

Отредактировано Ku2zoff 27-03-2013 в 10:18

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Сообщение: 117772

Старое сообщение 27-03-2013 10:02
- За что?
Crystice Softworks

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Торонто
Сообщений: 34588
Нанёс повреждений: 514 ед.
Возраст: 37


[1 награда]

I don't understand what are you tempting us to do.
The HLFX is evolving, whether or no.
You want another HLFX? Do it yourself, what's the problem?
You don't want any HLFX? Spank the monkey then, and stop spamming our board.


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Сообщение: 117774

Старое сообщение 27-03-2013 10:14
 Дядя Миша
racing for fish

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Кубань
Сообщений: 32320
Нанёс повреждений: 392 ед.


XaeroX Hey it's time for spank the monkey?

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Сообщение: 117804

Старое сообщение 27-03-2013 16:19
Частый гость

Дата регистрации: Sep 2012
Проживает: villevieille
Сообщений: 45


it seems you are talking about my released mod that has more than 100 maps , more than 500 models in low and high quality , linux support , metamod installed...Ku2zoff
if your pc could play black-mesa source , you would see they found a lot of inspiration in my mod .
my mod is rock solid with its engine made by gearbox : nearly ready to be played under linux....
i made it with tons of model from others mods and some maps of bshift xen...

the difference with the original is more than big and it is as easy as watching flowers or the sky ; and i love that being under the sun watching the sky .
the only thing i can add is the pixel-shaders rendering/optimization like in the 3 maps mod that is not able to see when player is DEAD : LBM: FX .

I WILL NOT COMPARE a mod with 3 maps and 2 grunts per map with my mod using plenty of them and all monsters from opposing force .
this lbm fx is nice but is unable to handle big size textures...

@uncle : before i spank the money... show me some Physx/Nvidia using weapon like dispacer or gauss ; and an houndeye having some "waves of electricity" all along his body : http://media.moddb.com/images/artic...rt_houndeye.png

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Сообщение: 117827

Старое сообщение 27-03-2013 17:28
- За что?
Житель форума

Группа: Неопытный
Дата регистрации: Apr 2006
Проживает: На берегу очень дикой реки
Сообщений: 815


I don't see a point of this discussion. XaeroX working on his mod and you working on yours. And both of these mods will be incompatible with each other. Is it a tragedy for you? If it's not, please don't be so rude and annoying. No one care how your new mod can be great if it has another render which you can't implement. There are a lot of of HL mods and most of them don't have crazy good render, but it doesn't mean nothing for players who love them.

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Сообщение: 117833

Старое сообщение 27-03-2013 18:44
- За что?
Частый гость

Дата регистрации: Sep 2012
Проживает: villevieille
Сообщений: 45


@Qwertyus : i totally agree with you , despite i did not asked for any MONKEY to be spanked

on the other side : they claim to build some better engine for all . so "giving the appetite and cook nothing , is not "fair" "

for the rest , i wait for PhysX demo i asked , i even bet Дядя Миша is not able at all to do that before Пасхальный понедельник .
here in france this is the day where children find chocolate eggs . may be our uncle will lay one ...["8

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Сообщение: 117843

Старое сообщение 27-03-2013 19:57
- За что?
 Дядя Миша
racing for fish

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Кубань
Сообщений: 32320
Нанёс повреждений: 392 ед.


sixcentgeorge писал:
Дядя Миша is not able at all to do that before Пасхальный понедельник

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 117847

Старое сообщение 27-03-2013 20:37
Житель форума

Группа: Неопытный
Дата регистрации: Apr 2006
Проживает: На берегу очень дикой реки
Сообщений: 815


You have to be missed something. XaeroX is making a mod and Unkle Mike is making an engine, but you're now asking XaeroX for making an engine (capable to support other mods, including yours) and Unkle Mike for making a mod (for his own engine but just because you want this feature, which you even will not be able to use in your mod). They will not do this, I think it's very easy to understand. Both of them are busy people who are doing something HL-related just for fun and for practicing in coding. And both of them are not very interested to implement a "heavy" enchanced render in their "products". Just because they have a lot of other things to do. They are not Santa Clauses, and even not Деды Морозы. So you'd better stop to act as little kid, who is begging free gifts for himself.

Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 117851

Старое сообщение 27-03-2013 21:39
- За что?
Crystice Softworks

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Торонто
Сообщений: 34588
Нанёс повреждений: 514 ед.
Возраст: 37


[1 награда]

The point is simple - he is ponting (понтится то бишь), because he cought some kind of bugurt (don't get exactly what kind of).
Or maybe and it is more likely he is a zaslanny kazachok (ну вы понели) came here to troll us a little bit. If that's the case, then it's okay, bourgeois also like trolling and we should help them in such kind of spanking the notorious monkey.


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Сообщение: 117859

Старое сообщение 28-03-2013 04:31
Частый гость

Дата регистрации: Sep 2012
Проживает: villevieille
Сообщений: 45


i came first last year because of the studiomodel.exe that "uncle" makes .

i saw that he does "an engine" and says that physx nvidia is possible...something that did not worked for me . i asked him to do things to help me adding physx to weapons or else , like i did and had same answer as today .
answer showing clearly his engine is not one and despite adding some libs to dll , he did not invented anything .

for XaeroX , his mod i played , has a great rendering , he should POINT me in the direction of the dude that made it intead of calling me bourgeois .

by the way , i really appreciate the place : "They are not Santa Clauses" [they are ] " trolling...spanking ...monkey..." is true . and like Ku2zoff wrote , their "work" is unusable even after 5 years....
i discover it in few days...as time is money , i spared a lot of monkey$ so I AM A BOURGEOIS and i think here that smells "Soviets [the laziest of them]"...

by the way , bet is still running : D-Day - 4 "encule"

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Сообщение: 117870

Старое сообщение 28-03-2013 07:22
- За что?
Crystice Softworks

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Торонто
Сообщений: 34588
Нанёс повреждений: 514 ед.
Возраст: 37


[1 награда]

sixcentgeorge писал:
he should POINT me in the direction of the dude that made it

Should I point you in the direction on the dude that is known by almost everybody? You must have been kidding.
sixcentgeorge писал:
i really appreciate the place

And the place appreciates you too. Look through this thread.
sixcentgeorge писал:
i think here that smells "Soviets [the laziest of them]"

Yep. And by the way, Soviets don't like bourgeois enculering over their messageboards.


Сообщить модератору | | IP: Записан
Сообщение: 117871

Старое сообщение 28-03-2013 07:32
Мастер Ёда из Деревни Дуракоф

Дата регистрации: Apr 2007
Проживает: В Деревне дураков
Сообщений: 6749
Возраст: 33


sixcentgeorge писал:
and like Ku2zoff wrote , their "work" is unusable even after 5 years...

I meant that is nobody going to make a mod under HLFX 0.5 or 0.6. Only our forum member (_-=ZhekA=-_) is doing something in this way (unfortunately, almost about 5 years or more), so, only him is interested in HLFX as graphical add-on. And HLFX 0.6 suffices him well, he doesn't need a new version.

Добавлено 28-03-2013 в 14:51:

sixcentgeorge писал:
it seems you are talking about my released mod that has more than 100 maps

Lightly modified original HL and BS maps you mean? And 4 custom maps, maybe created by some mapper, not by you.

Отредактировано Ku2zoff 28-03-2013 в 07:56

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Сообщение: 117872

Старое сообщение 28-03-2013 07:51
- За что?
Crystice Softworks

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Торонто
Сообщений: 34588
Нанёс повреждений: 514 ед.
Возраст: 37


[1 награда]

А можно, я ему отвечу в стихах?

Bash the bishop, choke the chicken,
Yank the plank and clean the pipes:
Our mods are being developed
Day by day and night by night!

Не совсем в рифму, зато про обезъянок.


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Сообщение: 117873

Старое сообщение 28-03-2013 07:56

Дата регистрации: Apr 2009
Проживает: Украина, Мариуполь
Сообщений: 348
Возраст: 32


XaeroX писал:
5. Закрытость исходного кода: в целях борьбы с возможной копипастой и утаскиванием фич в Оранжевые Менты исходный код проекта будет закрыт.

6. Широкие возможности для моддеров: однако вышеупомянутый пункт вовсе не означает, что в проект нельзя добавить собственный код. Планируется виртуальная машина, по максимуму использующая возможности движка, но в то же время исполняющая код в безопасной среде. Что, по идее, будет препятствовать написанию как нестабильного кода, так и вредоносного.

for first i was like D:

but then i was like

Очень рад что проект жив, 6 пункт особо порадовал, надеюсь возможности будут обширные.

Какая-нибудь продвинутая система частиц будет внедрена?

Gunship Stuff

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Сообщение: 117886

Старое сообщение 28-03-2013 11:43
- За что?
Crystice Softworks

Дата регистрации: Oct 2005
Проживает: Торонто
Сообщений: 34588
Нанёс повреждений: 514 ед.
Возраст: 37


[1 награда]

GuNsHiP писал:
Какая-нибудь продвинутая система частиц будет внедрена?

Да куда ж она денется. Тем более, и редактор давно есть.


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Сообщение: 117887

Старое сообщение 28-03-2013 11:49
Тема закрыта XaeroX 03-05-2013 в 11:16
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